Powering Through

This is such a tough time of the year to power through. The weather is gross. The kids are antsy from being indoors too much and we’re still nearly a month away from a decent break. Once we hit April I tend to feel better. Blue skies make a HUGE difference for me.

I wanted to take a moment and remind you that the 7th of the month is the SLP Must Have Sale on TPT. It’s a way to grab materials (often seasonal ones) at a 50% discount—always great. But, what I tend to like even more is that there manageable lists I can skim through to find little boosts to get me through the months (especially tough ones like…March).

If you pop over to the FaceBook page, Natalie has posts that break the discounted resources into topics like Articulation, Seasonal, No Print, Social Language, etc.  Sooooo helpful! And if you do a quick search on TPT with #Mar2018SLPMustHave you can quick scan the resources over your lunch break.

I’ve been updating a bunch of older products including my I See It Coloring Worksheets.  If you have these already, please redownload! Not only are the graphics so much better, but I added mini coloring books you can send home. There’s also optional riddles for those days when your on-the-spot thinking isn’t so on-the-spot. (Am I the only one with seasonal, fuzz-inducing allergies?)

I know mini-books might seem a bit babyish for your elementary aged R kids, but this is what I do with them. Remember Simon? That flashing light game from the 80s? We “Simon read” the little books like this, “I see a rat. I see a rat and a rope. I see a rat, a rope and a rabbit.” I don’t let them turn back to check what came before which makes it a fun challenge both from a memory standpoint and increasingly longer utterances. Hello, carry-over!

For full details or to re-download, click here. (Pssst! These include individual sheets for each vocalic R in both medial and final positions!)

Have a great week!



The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.