Attendance and Data Collection 2018-19 FREEBIE

I always have these grand ideas of filing away and reorganizing all of my materials before I check out for the summer (clients). Ha!

By the time progress notes are finished, I am more than happy to shut the door and say “I’ll get to it later.” With the idea that some bored, rainy summer day, I’ll forgo a matinee and popcorn and head it to clean. It never happens.

But, what I can do to feel a little more on top of things is print out a copy of next year’s attendance sheet and a bunch of data collection sheets and make copies.  That takes less than 15 minutes.

Or you can download and save for August. That takes less than one minute.

Whichever route you choose, you can grab your freebie here.

I staple the attendance sheet on the inside of every speech folder.  I use the grid data collection sheet (4 sessions/side) for students I write progress notes for and I use the daily half sheet for private clients that receive a copy of my notes at each session. (You can read about that here.)

Do you close your door and hope it’s not really so bad come BTS, or do you see it through to sparkling completion? Let me know in the comments below.

No time to print or download now? Pin the images below and come back to it in the fall!


This Post Has One Comment

  1. Dana

    Very excited to print these out to prep for next year!

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