I often work with elementary aged students who aren’t keen to work on homework, but you and I know that practice outside the therapy room as well as awareness of “their sound” is key to carry-over and eventual mastery.
This year my school-aged kiddos (readers) will be going home with scavenger hunts. They’re an opportunity for students to locate their sound/words outside of the therapy room. Usually, these will be completed at home, but many can also be done around the school setting too.
Have them read the list in therapy, then send it home for them to do the hunt on their own. They should visually “touch” and say each item they find, check it off their list and write either what it was or where they found it.
Because I have so many “R” kiddos, I’ve made separate hunts for each vocalic R and I threw in a couple extra “S” hunts because, well, I’ve got a lot of them too. The entire pack includes: S (2 initial, medial, 2 final), R (2 prevocalic, medial and final AR, EAR, AIR, ER, and OR, IRE (mixed), RL (mixed), TH (initial, medial, final), SH (initial, medial, final), CH (initial, medial, final) and J (initial, medial, final).
To conserve on printing, all sheets print two on a page in black and white.
You can check the whole packet out here or pick up your freebie for “J” here.