
understood about

I came across this website–Understood.org–a couple of months ago and was excited because it addresses the needs of children/families that I most often work with—often average IQ with learning and attention issues.

I think it’s a great resource to share with families.

There are lots of short video clips with practical demos (ex. “What reading fluency looks like in Kindergarten.), not just of what the expectations or difficulties look like, but great examples of how a teacher or caregiver can prompt without just giving the answers away.

It has a bank of expert answered questions which include several related to our filed, for example “What is a language based learning disorder?”  Explanations are clear and concise.

There are five main navigation tabs, each divided into additional pertinent topics.  The section on “You & Your Family” discusses topics ranging from responding to negative comments from relatives to caring for yourself to handling sibling resentment.  Topics not often addressed.

understood choosing challenge

But my favorite section is the Parenting Coach which promises “Practical ideas for social, emotional and behavioral challenges.”  You select the challenge, then the grade (preschool-8th grade) and then it gives you an assortment of ideas to peruse.

understood sample ideas

I picked “handling frustration” with “kindergarten” and received ideas like “Celebrate the small stuff” and “Show, then tell.”  Click on any of the ideas for a full explanation broken down into three sections—what you can do, what you can say, and why this will help.

Anyone else using this already?  Think it’s something that might work for your families?

Remember, tomorrow is the 7th which means the #OctSLPMustHave sale is on!  You can head to TPT and search with the hashtag to see which items will be offered at 50% off.  My store will feature my Zig Zags for Articulation BUNDLE.  Click here for more info.

ZZ for artic bundle must have


This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Annette Macher

    Thanks for the information! I deal with a lot of these types of families, too. Wish I had this information when I was raising my own kids – 4/8 with moderate to severe attention issues and 2 with learning disabilities. Oh well. I made it through 🙂

    1. admin

      Annette, Do you mean you raised eight children?! How on earth would you have had time to read?! Good for you! Kim

      1. Annette Macher

        True! But waiting while they played soccer, flute, dance – that time added up quite a bit 🙂

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The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.