March Madness: App Reviews for the busy SLP


You’ve heard me mention YappGuru before—I joined their panel of “expert” reviewers over a year ago and pitched in at their ASHA booth this past November.

But what kind of criteria are we using?  Why does it matter and what’s in it for you?

This is why.

As iPads have become increasingly common in educational fields, app developers have flooded iTunes with “learning” apps.  Some are good, plenty are great but there are also lots of mediocre to poorly executed ones.  And few therapists I know have the unlimited time, funds or even storage to buy willy-nilly.

For lots of online purchases, I rely on the reviews of customers, but here’s the rub.  As reviewing options became a common practice, some companies started hiring “good reviews.”  Well, how does this help me?!  It doesn’t.

YappGuru is accomplishing several goals.  The first is that they are creating a database of apps that are well suited or specifically designed for speech and language development (that’s the time saver).  Second, they have carefully vetted and selected a panel of clinicians as reviewers (there’s your impartiality).  If it makes it too easy to locate a “must have” app….well, you’re on your own with funds and storage issues.

YappGuru is FREE to use.  All you need to do is register and your personal information is not shared/sold to other parties.  PLUS, once you are registered with the site, you’ll have the option to vote on your favorite apps.  I love this option, because while I agree with the necessity of an unbiased review, it is helpful to see a general consensus among lots and lots of therapists as to what is really working in the field.

Personally, when I check out an app I’m looking for ease of use and something that really engages my students.  As a private clinician, I seldom see groups, but I do appreciate apps that allow me to save multiple profiles and/or data.  You can see all of my reviews here.  While you’re at it, vote for a few of your favorites!

YG March Madness contest

I am currently participating in a March Madness contest on the YappGuru site, but the opinions expressed here are strictly my own and I am not financially compensated by the site.

I’ll be posting numerous reviews and giveaways during the month of March.  If you haven’t entered for the Speech Journal app raffle, be sure to leave a comment on that post here, and be sure to stop back Friday when I have another review and TWO more codes to giveaway!

Let’s share some app love!  What app have you used the most during the past week?  Also, I am looking for a speech pen pal for a child 5-6 years old with moderate impairment.  If you have someone that would suit, please contact me directly at [email protected].


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Annie Doyle

    What an asset to the busy SLP! I cannot tell you how often I have purchased an app thinking it was the cat’s pajamas only to find out it was a dud!

    1. admin

      Ugh. I just did that very same thing Annie! (Not a speech app, but one I was hopeful I could adapt.) Kim

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The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.