Articulation Scenes Review and Giveaway!

***Congratulations to Yvonne who won a free copy!***

We are in the last full week of March and I’ll be winding down my March Madness app reviews and giveaways.  I’ve been writing reviews like mad, both here and on Yapp Guru, and scored a berth in the final “game” this week.  Wish me luck!

March Madness YG final 2

I have two Smarty Ears apps to share this week so you can look forward to an extra post on Friday.

Artic Scene home

Today I’m talking about Articulation Scenes.

I am seeing a lot of straight artic this year and was really looking forward to trying this out. It didn’t disappoint either  me or my little ones. It has a cute movie theme and four different activities to choose from all of which can be customized for phoneme and position. R even has vocalic options. Cue the happy dance!

Consistent with all of the Smarty Ears apps you can easily add multiple users and data is collected, stored and easily shared.  Smarty Ears also incorporates the Therapy Report Center. This app allows you to save info on all of your students and their info in one location and import the data between Smarty Ears apps. It’s a huge timesaver!

Artic Scene menu

Once you have your student(s) selected, you’ll be prompted to choose a target.  Now you select a scene based on the phoneme position.

Artic Scene Activity 1

Activity 1 has you looking for pictures with the target words with the scene (sort of an easy hidden picture task).  There are written prompts at the bottom of the  page which are spoken if touched. The scenes are very target rich and there are lots of pictures to locate.  This was probably the biggest hit among my students.

Completing a scene earns you a trophy for the trophy room. My little one got a kick out of one of their words appearing on the trophy. (Ex. Skunk on the /sk/ trophy, peacock on the medial /k/ trophy, etc.)

Artic Scene Activity 2

Activity 2 has the same scene but you touch the pictures and the word is said for you to repeat, record and listen to.

What I like about both of these activities is they force students to think about their sound in a specific position and identify words that meet the criteria unlike a flash card deck which allows for more zoning out.

Artic Scene Activity 3

Activity 3 has you listening to a story about the scene you were just manipulating. Again, the scene is very target rich so you are getting lots of auditory bombardment here and hearing the words in context which helps with additional vocabulary and other language skills.

Artic Scene Activity 4

Activity 4 has you choose to read the story yourself (from the “TelePrompTer” so you need readers for this) or make up one of your own. Your story is recorded and stored.

I think activities like this (sentence/paragraph level) are crucial for carryover and try to incorporate them as soon as possible.

 I was given a copy for review by the developer but all of the opionions expressed here are my own.  Plus, I have a copy to giveaway!  To enter, please comment below letting us know which role you would want in a movie–director, actor, costume designer, etc.–and I’ll select a lucky entry at random.  You have until Sunday March 30, 2015 at midnight EST to enter.  Good luck!

After you finish entering here, jump over to the Smarty Ears giveaway here.  You could win a copy of EVERY one of their apps–over $600 value!  


This Post Has 47 Comments

  1. Lisa E.

    I would have to say, “actress”! While people that know me would be surprised at that, since I’m more of an introvert, my hidden extrovert longs for a role on the big screen! 🙂 The app looks wonderful – thanks for the chance to win!

  2. Karrie

    I’d definitely prefer to be behind the scenes. Director perhaps!?

  3. Colleen Roganovich

    I would be the production assistant so I could use the clap board! Heehee. Just kidding. I would be the director. Nah too much stress. Maybe the actor. Nope too old and not in my prime. I just want to be a speech pathologist visiting the set. YAY!

  4. Tammy Harris

    I definitely don’t enjoy being in the spotlight so I would have to be behind the scenes. It would be pretty interesting to see what I could come up with as a costume designer since I can’t even sew a button on a shirt!

  5. Crystal

    I would like to be the actress. I always had fun in our high school musicals!

  6. Kim Hovey

    Costume director…like to fix things behind the scenes!

  7. Carol

    I am an actress in our community theatre and also a costume designer, but, by trade, I’m an SLP! I stay pretty busy with all of the areas!

  8. Yvonne

    I would like to be a set designer. I like to create things and paint. Thank you for the review. I looked at this app before and am pleased to hear such a positive review. I will have to add it to my wish list.

  9. Tracy G

    Definitely actress!! It would be a great way to use creative energy!

  10. Diane

    Behind the scenes for sure. Hope about set designer or set crew with props etc.
    Artic app sounds fun!

  11. Joan O'Brien

    I’m not sure it’s an official job – but think it’d be cool to practice ‘running lines’ with the actors!

  12. Kathleen


  13. Lynda

    Director for sure!

  14. Amy

    makeup artist

  15. Michelle

    I would like to think I could take a stab at any of those roles if given the chance, but if I had to choose just 1 it would definitely be the director! 🙂

  16. Abby G

    I’d want to be an actress! But I don’t think I have the talent…I’ll stick to speech pathology 😉 Thanks for the great app review!

  17. Meagan Lawson

    Costume designer, or maybe makeup artist!

  18. Vanessa

    Costume designer!
    “Fashion is instant language” – Miuccia Prada

  19. Michelle Ebeling

    I’d like to be a costume designer….how fun to play dress up without the cost involved!! Thanks for the chance to win this app. It looks amazing!

  20. Tina

    Tough question. I think I would be the director as I’m not sure I could quickly memorize all the lines an actor would be required to do!

  21. Renee

    I would love to be an actress – something I have never done before. I think I would be perfect for the part. I spend my days pretending at home with my two kids as well as at work with all the kids I treat. a little bit of hair and makeup wouldn’t hurt either. 🙂

  22. Julie

    i would like to be a set designer!

  23. Melanie

    I think I would enjoy being involved in writing the script of a movie. I’m more of a behind the scenes person.

  24. M. Parker

    Actress or director. I would be happy to do either.

  25. A. Stevens

    Director’s assistant- I like to be behind the scene helping others accomplish their goals.

  26. Anne Page

    I want to do it all! But first I would try acting, leading lady please. I’m ready for my close-up (with filtered lighting).

  27. Torri

    I would want to be a costume designer! I’m always mesmerized my the costumes and outfits. Good costumes are key to any production, they contribute so much to the identity of the characters.

  28. Christina

    I would be a costume designer!

  29. Jennifer

    I’d go with script supervisor. They’re in charge of maintaining continuity and tracking the film’s progress. I’m very much in to details, so I think that would be a good fit.

  30. Connie franklin

    I would be a costume designer. I hate to act on stage. This sounds like a program good for both artic and language kids!

  31. Cristine Beach

    I would want to be a part of the camera or production crew.

  32. Lynda

    Fashion designer would be fun!

  33. Karen Parden

    I would like to be a director!

  34. Mary

    I would definitely be behind the scenes. Maybe a set designer.

  35. Jenna

    Director. I’m a little type A. 🙂

  36. Megan

    Costume design. Way fun!!!

  37. Maureen Tillisch

    I would want to be the costume designer. I like to be creative with speech therapy activities and this would carry over to designing costumes as well.

  38. Hillary

    Definitely costume designer! Although, with my background, a dialect coach might be more appropriate!

  39. Emily

    Director- so I could tell people what to do. 🙂

  40. Lora

    An Actress, we play all sorts of roles engaging our students!

  41. Madelyn

    Being involved with set design would be my pick. The articulation app looks appealing!

  42. Jenni

    Makeup artist!!!

  43. Jennifer M.

    Something with costume design or makeup artist maybe!

  44. Katie

    I would want to be an actress!

  45. Lisa Martin

    I really enjoy making my students laugh at my corny jokes – so, I would be the comedic actress 🙂

  46. Sue

    I would want to be the writer 🙂 I always enjoyed writing stories in school!

Comments are closed.


The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.