I’m enjoying a holiday break with my family–hope you are able to do the same! In the meantime, here are my five most popular posts from 2012.
1. Guess Who: Although this post went up in October 2011, it was my most viewed of 2012! This classic game is easily adapted to the therapy room for all sorts of language goals as well as articulation and continues to be a favorite of mine.
2. Articulation Jackpot: I developed this game as a way to keep kids engaged while getting a huge number of articulation trials. Available for R, S or Sight Words.
3. This Thrilling Therapy Theme (Is Th): This post received a huge boost from Pinterest. It’s a very quick and easy way to work on “th,” something that cropped up for me a lot last spring.
4. Grandmother Went to Market: Another classic game that’s been adapted for my therapy room. “Grandmother” can target memory, lots of language issues, fluency and/or articulation.
5. Carry-over and out! I’m so glad this one made it into the top five! It’s a review of “Multiple Choice Questions for Carryover” by Erik X. Raj. It’s a wonderful way to address articulation carry-over, something we should be addressing from the moment kids walk into therapy, and incorporate language as well. Plus, it’s fun!
I’ll be back with new content next week! In the meantime, let me know if one of these posts resonated with you or if you had a particular favorite that didn’t appear.