Major Decisions

Major decisions book copy

We’ll be starting the college visits this year, which has brought up an even bigger discussion—the college major.

It’s an odd thing, because sixteen is still so young to make decisions about your future, but there’s no getting around the fact that having some idea of your interests can help narrow down your college selection from an overwhelming, deer-in-the-headlight number of options to one that elicits only mild nausea.

In any case, it’s led to a shockingly engrossing read at my house, Book of Majors (the 2014 version by College Board).  It’s one of those ultra-thick, thin-papered books, so it’s floppy and requires either sitting at a table or careful lap balance, but it’s captivating to see all the possibilities.

After a quick perusal of forensic sciences, I had to flip over to Communication Disorders in the Health section.  Check this out.

Is this for you?  You might like this major if you also like:  helping people; problem solving; using technology; working with children; working with older adults.”

Don’t you love how broad this is, encompassing so many areas of interest?!  But, wait.  It gets better.

Consider this major if you are good at:  attention to detail; caring/nurturing; counseling; creativity; math; persuading/influencing…or have…initiative, patience, verbal skill; writing skills.”

They should have said “general awesomeness” and left it at that!

Scroll down a bit further to a description of what this major is like and you’ll see this gen, “…you may have difficulty managing your time as a result of heavy clinical requirements.  But students in this major tend to bond into closely knit groups and assist each other through the program.”

I’m writing on my flight back from ASHA and I can attest that this bond is one that continues and strengthens between colleagues as you remain in the field.  I’m frequently overcome with the willingness our colleagues have to share their knowledge, their passion and perhaps, especially, their humor.

I keep telling my daughter that no lifetime decision needs to be made today and that a choice made now is easily changed later, though she only half believes me.  I haven’t told her that, in my opinion, the best major is on p. 299.

While I frequently give thanks for my choice of profession, it wasn’t where I started as an undergrad.  (I was an econ major and worked in children’s publishing before going to grad school).  If SLP was no longer a course of study and “making a living” not a concern, what would you go back and major in?





This Post Has One Comment

  1. Annie Doyle

    I think I would be an entrepreneur! Owning a business seems intriguing to me now after all these years!

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