3 Considerations to Increase Caregiver Involvement in Speech Therapy

increase caregiver involvement in speech therapy

As a pediatric SLP, you understand the importance of caregiver and parent involvement in speech therapy— but caregivers often do not! Building effective partnerships with caregivers is crucial for the success of your therapy sessions and the overall progress of your clients. Caregivers don’t usually anticipate this expectation for collaboration so it’s up to you to be clear from the start. Increase caregiver involvement in your speech therapy sessions in 3 easy steps! 

Importance of Caregiver & Parent Involvement in Speech Therapy

Caregivers need to know from the start that speech therapy is a collaboration. Many caregivers are often misinformed and under the impression that speech therapy is an opportunity to outsource all of the work to an expert (YOU!).

Take time to educate families on the benefits of parent involvement, including:

  • Greater generalization of skills
  • More practice opportunities 
  • Increased motivation

3 Considerations to Increase Caregiver Involvement in Speech Therapy

At the start of therapy, it is essential to set clear expectations for caregivers!

Consider the following areas when thinking about building more effective partnerships with caregivers: 

  1. Caregivers’ Role in Therapy
  2. Honest Communication
  3. Homework Expectations

Caregivers’ Role in Therapy

First, caregivers should understand what is expected of them. Ensure caregivers know that you both are equal partners in therapy and bring unique knowledge to the therapy process.

As the SLP, you have expertise in assessing and treating speech and language disorders. Caregivers possess the most personalized knowledge about their child, like:

  • Special interests
  • Dislikes
  • Background history 
increase caregiver involvement in speech therapy through play-based learning

Honest Communication

Next, set clear expectations for communication. To increase caregiver involvement in speech therapy, you and your client’s caregivers need regular and honest communication. 

Regularly check in with caregivers to allow them time to ask questions or follow up on previous conversations. You can do this by reserving the last couple of minutes of therapy sessions for conversation, sending regular progress updates via emails, or scheduling brief phone calls with caregivers.

They may have feedback or questions about topics such as:

  • What does my child’s diagnosis mean for long-term prognosis?  
  • How do his speech goals work towards our personal goals for him?
  • Is this new idea shared online an option for helping my child even more?  

Allowing families the opportunity to give honest feedback creates deeper rapport and partnerships. 

You can also build strong, trusting relationships with families by ensuring them that you both want what’s best for their child. Let them know that the effectiveness of therapy increases when you communicate regularly and honestly!

Homework Expectations

Finally, discuss homework with caregivers. Consistent speech practice at home is essential for quicker generalization of skills! 

Speech homework really is a non-negotiable, but it doesn’t need to be overly complicated! Talk with caregivers about their schedules and collaborate about times that may work best for practice. Also, incorporate unique knowledge from caregivers about what motivates their child the most. When motivating factors are a piece of the puzzle, it will be easier for everyone.

Types of Homework

Consider what types of homework are most doable for each child and family too! 

Some children may be able to sit down and independently participate in one-player speech games

Other families may need a more easy-going approach that allows practice in the car while waiting for basketball practice. Other families may enjoy the play-based approach and look forward to integrating skills into a set time each morning or night. 

When caregivers understand that you truly do what to find realistic and attainable homework solutions for them, they better understand and appreciate the partnership aspect of therapy.  

Check out this done-for-you parent handout bundle for a handout on making homework a habit and ideas on how to keep kids motivated.

Final Thoughts

When you include families from the beginning, you get more buy-in and progress AND decrease your own stress because you aren’t trying to go it alone!

Learn even more about how to build effective partnerships in this low-cost webinar called “Connecting with Caregivers”. This video series includes 4.75 hours of professional development with handouts and detailed step-by-step instructions for the following topics:

  • Connecting with Caregivers
  • Tough Conversations on Behavior, Diagnosis, and Home Habits
  • Creating Home Activities They’ll Actually Do
increase caregiver involvement in speech therapy in 3 easy steps

Parent involvement is fundamental to the success of speech therapy! By establishing a strong partnership with caregivers, you ensure therapy is more effective and personalized for your clients. Remember, when parents are involved, everyone benefits– the child, the caregivers, and YOU! 

Be confident as you implement these easy steps to increase caregiver involvement in speech therapy this year.

You may also be interested in reading:

How to Support Caregivers with Guilt 

Tips for Talking to Caregivers 

Addressing the Parent Question: How Long Will Speech Therapy Take? 



The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.