Mamas are the authority.

They’re the ones who blew a thousand raspberries in response to theirs and cheered those early, wide-legged steps. They change the diapers and rock fussy babies back to sleep.

They’re the one who worry their child isn’t talking as much as they “should” be.

Mama, you are more than capable of helping them catch up.

You are essential.

It isn’t hard or clinical.

Let me take you behind the scenes and show you:

  • What each speech and language milestone is.
  • Why it’s important.
  • How to practice it at home and have fun!

When you sign up, you’ll receive access to an online quiz and developmental checklist so you can see where your child is and what to work on. You’ll also receive my “Let’s get started” email series with quick tips you can implement immediately. Next, you’ll begin receiving my bimonthly newsletters with book and toy recommendations plus tips on how to use them.

The secret to maximizing speech and language skills isn’t simply the number of therapy sessions or a therapist’s qualifications, it’s daily skills practice in your child’s typical environment.  It’s easier than you think. Mama, you’ve got this!

Psssst! Your email address is safe with me. I won’t share it with anyone else. For my full privacy policy, click here.

Playtime Patterns provides families with education and activities that facilitate language skills through new patterns of play. They are intended to enrich and enhance—not replace—professional speech-language therapy. 



SLPs - Get your Tips and Activities Here!

SLPs - Get your Tips and Activities Here!