What is your parenting play style?

collage of moms playing with their children
Not all mamas have the same style of playing!

We all have different interests and different ways of learning. We can use these to find our parenting play style so we enjoy the activities we do with our kids as much as they do!

For a quick, free quiz with suggestions for activities you’ll love, click here.

Activities based on parenting style:

  • Creative types love messy, hands-on projects. Try arts and crafts, cooking with kids, and sensory bins! You might also like dramatic play like dress-up and creating performances.
  • Active types are ready to go when it comes to sports and other physical activities. You can try children’s sports teams (you might like being a volunteer coach!), inflatable playgrounds, exploring local trails and parks or having dance parties at home.
  • More structured moms will enjoy toys with a clear purpose or beginning and end. Mommy and me classes, board games, books and puzzles fit the bill!
  • Social types will enjoy playdates with other mamas and tots, trips to stay in touch with extended family and cousins, and dramatic play like tea parties or acting out daily routines (house, restaurant, doctor).

What can you do when your play style doesn’t match your child’s? Use the suggestions above to find some activities that seem to cross-over. For instance, a structured mom might enjoy following a recipe with their creative child. Kids’ sports and outdoor games cover both active types and those who love structure and rules. Social moms might be up for anything if friends are involved!

Children love when the adults in their lives are sincerely engaged with the activity and it’s important that our little ones learn to be flexible, so go ahead and encourage your child to try what you love. Enthusiasm is contagious!

Wondering how children’s play develops? Be sure to check out my post on stages of play.



The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.