Free Speech Therapy Attendance Form for 2016-17

Speech Therapy attendance form freebie

I’m required to write monthly progress notes which can be rather time consuming, so I’m always looking for ways to streamline. As simple as it is, tracking attendance on a separate sheet saves me lots of time flipping through daily notes to fill in both the progress notes and billing statement.

At the beginning of the school year, I staple an attendance sheet on the inside of each kiddo’s folder. I write their name at the top (in the event it’s ever separated from the folder) and their usual therapy schedule (ex. T/Th 8:30-9).

When a child attends an individual session, I circle the date. If it’s a group session, I circle the date and put an “X” in the middle of it. For missed or cancelled sessions, I draw a slash or minus sign through the date. It takes just a couple of seconds to do.

If you need a speech therapy attendance form for 2016-17, you can download my version for free here. I’ve included both black and white and color versions and federal holidays are in bold (even if they don’t always mean a holiday for me…)

I don’t start back with students until after Labor Day. Let me know what your first day is!


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Annette Macher

    We are already back to school (we started school August 10th after 2 months of summer break) though we don’t start seeing students until next week. Thanks for the attendance form. I like your system – it’s easy to implement 🙂

  2. Shane

    Teachers and staff had staff development beginning August 1st! The students started August 4th – way too soon!!!

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The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.