Give this a Tri!

During one of my Christmas shopping jaunts, I picked up a new game for me—Tri-ominos.  It looked easy.  It looked fun.  It was cheap (I paid under $10 at Kohl’s).  It’s been awesome!

The game consists of small plastic triangles with each side containing a half circle in either:  red, blue, yellow, green or purple.  You place all the triangles face down and each player selects 10 which they set up so no one else can see.  You then place another triangle face up between the players (I think it’s supposed to be the youngest and a piece with only one color, but we don’t get into all that).  On your turn, you place a triangle against another so that you “finish” a circle with one color.  Even my preschool people had no trouble with this concept.

What I did to make it “speech-y” was create a word list grid.  Each time a circle was completed we checked the grid and said the word (sometimes a few times).  I was surprised how into the grid the kids were!  And what a lot of them really liked was seeing feedback on their sound productions.  Scoring made it easy for me to tally data at the end.  A couple of the older kids really got into predicting which color would “win” (which list of words we’d finish first).

Give it a tri!  The links below are for the grid I use.  The first is blank so you can customize it as you need to.  The second is the grid I used for a little guy working on “s” blends.

Tri-omino grid (.pdf)

Tri-omino grid for s blends

You can find more inexpensive treatment ideas for speech sound disorders in my TeachersPayTeachers store!  Try Polar Bear Plunge for Articulation or Action Articulation for R, for ZH, J & TH, or for Z, L & G.


This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Lara

    This grid would be great for other games as well, such as Candyland, or a color BINGO! The kids could also write their speech sounds/words into the blanks! Thanks for sharing!

    1. admin

      Great ideas! Thanks for building on this! Kim

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The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.