Baaa-utiful Speech!

lamb cover

March is supposed to be in like a lion, out like a lamb and maybe they’re right because, despite enjoying a 70 degree walk on Sunday, they’re predicting significantly dropping temps this week…and possible snow?

My caseload has also been in flux and I find myself facing an overwhelming majority of artic kiddos each day.  While I truly enjoy this work, it can be tedious.  Gains are often slow and speech activities can feel rather same ‘ol, same ‘ol pretty quickly.

This week, I’ve been bringing in some sweet spring lambs.  They’ve loved these adorable, wooly creatures!  (They’re also great for nursery rhyme or farm themes or as a companion to “Sheep on the Jeep”).

lamb sample pages

Sheets print either full color or black and white.  Kiddos say the pictured word, then color or dauber.  Now we go through each again, adding a cotton ball.  I like double stick tape for this because there’s no drying time, but glue/glue stick works too.  (*Note:  If your kiddos are heavy daubers you may need to blot or leave a few minutes drying time.)

lambs with dauber

For a full description, including phoneme/position targets, of this speech activity, click here.  BONUS, there is an “easy onset” sheet for your fluency or voice clients.

FREE!  To pick up your lambs targeting antonyms, click here.  Feedback is always appreciated!

I frequently start spring activities in early March since that’s when our weather begins to reflect it (daffodils, budding trees, allergies, picnics).  When I can go for a weekend walk in a sweatshirt or, even better, short sleeves, I feel like we’re well on our way.  When do you feel like spring has arrived?



The views expressed in this blog are my own and are intended to inspire other speech-language pathologists in their own practice. If you are a parent, teacher or other educator, these ideas are not intended to take the place of treatment by a certified clinician. Read full disclaimer here.